Friday, August 17, 2007

Windows Live Stadium Tour: Minute Made Park

Minute Maid Park in Houston, TX is home to the Houston Astros of MLB. Opened in 2000, the park seats just over 40,000 fans and is located just southeast of Downtown.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Madden 08

I haven't picked up my copy of Madden 08 yet, but I have already read a lot about it online. The thing that has caught my attention the most isn't the fact that the game is greatly improved over the past iterations, but the fact that the Xbox 360 version runs much smoother than it's Playstation 3 cousin. From everything I have read, the 360 version runs at a smooth 60 fps (frames per second), while the PS3 version is chugging along at 30 fps at best. While this same issue came up a month ago when NCAA Football 08 was released for both systems, it surprises me a bit how much more coverage this has received for Madden. If you are interested to see the difference check out the comparison video from