Thursday, December 6, 2007

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

Despite being 14 years later than most Castlevania fans would have liked, Konami has finally brought its classic PC Engine vampire hunter to the masses. Why it took this long to get new life outside of Japan is up for debate, but it was worth the wait. Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP reveals the entire story of Richter Belmont. Included on the disc are a 3D remake of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, the original 16-bit version and the follow up masterpiece Symphony of the Night.

Symphony alone is worth the price of admission, but it must be unlocked in the remake. This is not a bad thing however as it gives you even more reason to play at least part of Rondo of Blood, which is the classic Castlevania formula at its finest. Whether you are a Castlevania fan or not, if you own a PSP, you need to check this out. With three great games packed into one disc, this should really be a no-brainer. Go get it and thank me later.

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